Videos Dust mites and your health with Dr. Christian Recchia Frequent sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, breathing difficulties, fatigue, etc. You may be allergic to dust mites! These tiny arachnids, invisible to the naked eye, are major invaders of our living spaces. Discover
Videos Avoid infections from your toothbrush with Dr. Christian Recchia Good oral hygiene is the best way to take care of your health and prevent bacterial infections, such as gastroenteritis and fungal infections of the mouth. Discover
Videos Keep your baby healthy with Dr. Christian Recchia How do I clean baby bottles? Should dummies be sterilised? It is important to learn or rediscover some simple and natural hygiene practices to protect babies and children. Discover
Videos Toothbrushes and your health with Dr. Christian Recchia Your toothbrush is a breeding ground for germs. Most are safe, but others can, for example, cause gastroenteritis. Another adverse health consequence of poor toothbrush hygiene is the appearance of fungi inside the mouth. Discover
Videos How to clean and disinfect your pillows – with Laurastar IZZI Did you know that you should clean your pillows, and not just the pillowcase, every 3 to 6 months? Why? This is because our faces are glued to a pillow for 5 to 9 hours a day, and they contain all sorts of micro-organisms that can cause allergies, acne or even trouble sleeping. Discover